Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Land Developers and Politicians Created this Housing problem.

I'm going to explain there are only a few ways to obtain housing in California and its basically the same everywhere else. 

The first way is to go into a shelter which is the worst because your judged and evaluated as an unstable person who needs help. You will have to work with very young employees who call themselves "case managers" and haven't grown up yet so therefore they know nothing about life, but they going to be quick to label you and do very little. All of your pedigree information will be taken and you will be placed in this database called the "coordinate entry system" but it doesn't mean you will get housing, it goes according to priority and law enforcement has access to it. You still have to go through the motions, and have income or find a job which in America is filled with shit jobs, no health benefits. Let me express Lisa Roberts in Huntington Beach is a lying cunt who will lie to you "that she can help" but never does, it's all a lie to obtain your pedigree information and give it to Law Enforcement. Please do NOT do this. I theorize they want law enforcement involved to make arrests to have this information so they can make arrests to incarcerate. Orange County Health Agency Orange County Health Agency is doing the same lying to confirm you are a USA citizen". It's a trap. It's all lies.

The second way is to check all apartment properties cold calling managers and placing your name on their lists if it's open. This is a job in itself and it could take many years to get in, so if you living in California place your name in other states too, you must do this to beat the odds. You can't depend on anyone will call you it's up to you to keep up with everyone and that is exhausting.

The third way is cold calling all local city halls everywhere in all regions as many of them will have housing resources and lists. Many times they know of properties that are going to be built. Now this can be a frustrating situation because you have to go through many people who sit on their lazy ass and don't know shit and don't care. It's swimming through a swamp of asswads to get to the right individual who can help with the correct information, so don't be afraid to be assertive and speak up.

The fourth go directly to the housing authorities in every county and state if you have to. Most of the time they never answer the phone and it's a fight to get information but push your way through and lie if you need to, to get on their lists or any information that you can obtain. John Stewart Management is a corrupt company taking over many of the Los Angeles properties and throughout California. They know all the time of new properties being built. Frankly, I think they're a part of the building process. As a matter of fact, this company will give you applications to those properties you find on their site but again you will have to be aggressive and get a hold of the right people, it's a fight. It's a lottery game and it shouldn't be that way my theory they have access to the coordinate entry system to place in their lottery game.

The fifth way is through your medi-cal insurance such as BlueShield or Cal Optima whichever one you have. The State of California is making millions of dollars on everyone from this housing situation and their using third-party agencies to help with placing the client. These people are the biggest problem when the insurance has their own employees in the housing department, but they insist 3rd party people so they can make money off of you too. 

If you deal with these people get all names and numbers to keep track of details because they will lie and fuck with you. I've experienced they're not always honest. This is the quickest way to get housing still some red tape and you must verify a disability of some kind but you won't have to place a mental label on yourself only a note from your doctor, as the insurance is responsible for all costs.

This entire "housing problem" has been structured to fuck with people so hard it makes it nearly impossible to get a place to live because 1) there are thousands of people with no place to live 2) you have to place a mental label on yourself to be housed which most people will not do. 3) People are tired and get frustrated and soon give up and these asswads know it's going to happen, they don't care. The mainstream media lies to the public 99% of the time. The county, states, and elites have no intention of helping. Any money that is being funneled is theft going into someone's pocket, never to the cause itself.

I once read an article about two different groups of people who fight to buy land first you have the greedy land developers with their high prices on property so they can stay rich and then you have the other group who disagree and know homes can be built at reasonable prices. It's a human right to have land and a home, but the greed in the world with the white man being the biggest criminal is the problem. Then you have hundreds of non-profit organizations getting involved only to financial benefit never to help anyone and for those services that are provided, the agency is making money off of people. It's an ongoing sick game, but you can get housed through your medi-cal the quickest and safest way.

Politicians are the biggest criminal organization worldwide but as a collective of this human race, there are more of us than politicians. We as a nation of people can fight and push against the establishment, but the problem is people refuse to see the truth. It's time to open your eyes and get angry, it's time to fight for our freedom. Years ago Walmart began closing many stores down and the construction workers were informing the public that the stores were being re-constructed into concentration camps. These elites will keep us enslaved and continue to kill us any way they can if we as a nation don't defend ourselves.